Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Media And The Global Media - 1417 Words

According to David Held and colleagues, 1999, there are five major shifts that have contributed to bringing about the global media order. The first of these five shifts is the increasing concentration of ownership. This means that the global media is now dominated by a small number of powerful, centralized media conglomerates. Sociological theories of the various forms of the media shows us that they can never be assumed to be politically neutral or socially beneficial. For many people the key problem is the increasing concentration of ownership of different types of media within large conglomerates that have come to be known as super companies. Many of the vast media conglomerates have gone on to form media empires which control the flow of information across the world. Some of these media empires are Time Warner, ABC/Disney, and Viacom. The idea of media super companies is one that creates discomfort for many, and not one which people should aspire to. Where enthusiasts see a dream , critics see a nightmare. As media corporations become even more concentrated, centralized, and global in their reach, there is reason to be concerned that the important role of the media as a forum for free speech, expression, and debate will be curtailed. A single company that controls both the content, as well as the means of distribution is in a position of great power. It can promote its own material, exercise self-censorship, and even cross endorse products within its own empire at theShow MoreRelatedThe Media And The Global Media1859 Words   |  8 Pagesand climate of media ownership within the international realm and has greatly influenced the technological change, influence of deregulation and increase and appeal for media ownership. All three factors contributing greatly towards the collaboration of communication and media and the current media oligopoly. In answering the question , I agree with the statement suggesting that the world is clearly best understood as a gl obal system controlled by an oligopoly of largely western media corporationsRead MoreGlobal Media1711 Words   |  7 PagesNowadays, people live in a global age and the pace of globalisation has accelerated as a result of the rapid development of technology and economy. Under the process of globalisation, both the local culture and the mass media are affected dramatically. The phenomenon of homogenisation and heterogenisation has been created and is considered as the most representative and symbolic impact. However, the topic of globalisation is highly controversial and needs to be analysed in depth. In history, threeRead MoreSocial Media And The Global South1529 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Social media is a commodity that is increasingly exceedingly available, used and relied upon by individuals around the world. Social media has become a way for people to share and receive information of any kind. Today, we are going to take a look at ways that social media is connected to neoliberalism, specifically promoting neoliberalism, or characteristics neoliberalism, in the global South. First, social media allows more private entities to penetrate the global South and expand theirRead MoreThe Media And Its Effects On The Global World1550 Words   |  7 Pagesa globalized society, commodities, ideologies, and hegemonic forces are constantly transferred from a dominating power onto other cultures with lesser global influence. The Disney media conglomerate yields an unprecedented amount of control over the means of media consumption on a global scale. As Souad Belkyr proposes in â€Å"Disney animation: Global diffusion and local appropriation of culture,† â€Å"Disney p roducts function as an apparatus that potentially prescribe consumerist ideologies and individualisticRead More Global Warming and the Media Essay1500 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal Warming and the Media In this paper I will show that the issues of global warming have been misrepresented by some and cleverly utilized by others, (Y) by giving an overview of global warming as it is portrayed by the media, (Z) so that people will learn to search for scientific information regarding important issues for themselves. (P1) The media’s constant over-coverage of global warming is desensitizing the public to the very real problem of global warming. (P2) In the movies, An InconvenientRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On A Global Level1616 Words   |  7 Pagesliteracy. Media messages are rapidly assimilating into culture at unprecedented rates, with lasting effects. The makes it just as necessary for people to understand how to interpret media messages as it is for them how to know to read printed language (Thoman Jolls, 2004). While media literacy was initially implemented into American curricula as a way to explain how various forms of media platforms work, the field now hones in focus o n understanding media’s potential for transformation on a global level;Read MoreMedia s Interpretation Of Global Warming992 Words   |  4 PagesInterpretation of Global Warming A major problem and controversy that’s continuing to build up in the world, is global warming. There are two opposing sides to this controversy. One side are scientists and environmentalists who use collective data in order to prove that global warming is real and caused by human activity. The opposing side are interests groups such as an oil company or individual, who believe that global warming is just a bogus subject and misleading information put together by the media. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Training and Developing Employees Free Essays

Training and Developing Employees Multiple Choice: 1. Once employees have been recruited and selected, the next step would be: a. discipline and counseling. We will write a custom essay sample on Training and Developing Employees or any similar topic only for you Order Now b. orientation and training. c. hiring and firing. d. socialization. 3. The ongoing process of instilling in all employees the prevailing attitudes, standards, values, and patterns of behavior that are expected by the organization and its departments is: a. values projection. b. orientation. c. socialization. d. diversity training. 5. There is the real possibility that courts will find that an employee’s handbook contents represent a/an: a. alsified document. b. contract with the employee. c. incomplete document. d. vague document. 7. Training of a long-term nature that has the development of current or future management employees as its aim is usually referred to as: a. management evaluation. b. management development. c. management games. d. management case studies. 8. In order for firms to stay competitive when training and development objectives change, they have to adapt by performing the following changes, except: a. improving product quality. b. boosting productivity. c. hanging technology. d. increasing employee turnover. 15. The first step in a training program is to conduct: a. training evaluation. b. training needs analysis. c. on-the-job training. d. job instruction training. 17. A technique for appraising the performance of current employees to determine whether training could reduce performance problems like excess scrap or low output is: a. task analysis. b. performance analysis. c. training analysis. d. motivation analysis. 22. The bottom line that should result from determining training needs is: a. xcellent job performance. b. performance analysis. c. task analysis. d. measurable training objectives. 25. A structured process by which individuals become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training is referred to as: a. job instruction training. b. apprenticeship training. c. vestibule training. d. computerized training. 32. A training technique in which trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job, but in which the trainees are actually trained off the job, is: a. n-the-job training. b. off-the-job training. c. simulated training. d. actual training. 37. With a workforce that is becoming increasingly assorted, many more firms find they must implement: a. teamwork training programs. b. diversity training programs. c. value training programs. d. experimentation training programs. 39. The following are aims of the management development process, except: a. assessing the company’s needs. b. appraising the manager’s performance. c. developing the managers themselves. d. enhancing the industry’s performance. 1. A management training technique that involves moving a trainee from department to department in order to broaden his/her experience and identify strong and weak points is called: a. global rotation. b. action learning. c. job enrichment. d. job rotation. 43. In this management training technique, the trainee works direc tly with the person that he/she is to replace. What is this technique called? a. Replacement approach b. Coaching/understudy approach c. Succession planning d. Direct replacement approach 46. An off-the-job management development technique that involves presenting a trainee with a written description of an organizational problem is called a(n): a. action learning program. b. case study method. c. management game. d. coaching/understudy approach. 47. The following are features in the case study method, except: a. faculty providing the correct answer so students understand the case. b. the use of actual organizational problems. c. participants stating their views and inquiring into others’ views. d. a minimal involvement by the faculty member. 3. A prospective division manager with a gap in experience with financial controls might sign up for a two-course sequence in: a. production control. b. managerial accounting. c. operational processes. d. managerial control. 55. A training program in which trainees are first shown good management techniques (in a film), are then asked to play roles in a simulated situation and are given feedback and praise by their supervisor i s called: a. behavior modeling. b. role-playing. c. good example training. d. case study method. 58. Some employers have in-house development centers for managers and employees that would include the following, except: a. classroom learning. b. in-basket exercises. c. job analysis programs. d. role-playing. 61. An organizational development method that involves surveying employees’ attitudes and providing feedback to departmental managers so that problems can be solved by the managers and employees is called: a. questionnaire analysis. b. diary logs. c. survey feedback. d. sensitivity training. Essay: 1New employee orientation has been shown to have measurable and positive effects on employee retention and satisfaction. In spite of this, many organizations do not have a formalized orientation process, and each employee gets a different orientation to the organization. Explain why you believe organizations do this. Outline how you would, as a new HR manager, convince management to implement new employee orientations. 2. The book listed a number of management development techniques. Which one do you believe is the most effective? Defend this choice and contrast it with at least three other techniques. Answers 1. b 3. c 5. b 7. b 8. d 15. b 17. b 22. d 25. b 32. c 37. b 39. d 41. d 43. b 46. b 47. a 53. b 58. c 61. c How to cite Training and Developing Employees, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

In Siddhartha free essay sample

Hess uses three symbols to elaborate this theme, and they are the singing bird, which symbolizes his freedom, the river, which symbolizes his autonomous being, and the hut, which symbolizes the simple living that is required to reach enlightenment. The singing bird in Catharsiss dream symbolizes represents Shattered and his inner voice. This bird is Samaras special singing bird. In the dream, the bird always sings sweetly, until it suddenly dies. Then Shattered dreams that he throws the bird out of the window. Shattered, terrified, wakes up from the dream and decides to eave his former life of greed and lust.This bird helps Shattered realize that the inner voice that used to guide him on his spiritual path has now died and no longer communicates with him. Just as the bird is caged in the dream, Catharsiss inner voice has been restricted by the judgment of his past teachers as well as the current cycle of Samara in which he lives working as a merchant and being with his girlfriend and teacher Kamala. Shattered has always gone to teachers to help him find enlightenment, whether it be the Samaras, or Kamala or Swamis, who respectively taught him how to intro his desires, how to love and how to earn money.None of his teachers managed to help Shattered realize how to find enlightenment, and it is only when he frees himself of his preconceived ideas about Nirvana, that he ends up being in tune with the universe. Kamala later lets the bird out of the cage, just as Shattered has freed himself from his relationship with her and with Swamis. The bird can fly, it sings, and it is agile and it further symbolizes Starfishs enlightenment because it can quickly and happily travel to the next stage of freedom. The next symbol, the river, also symbolizes Catharsiss search for enlightenment.The river has two major appearances, and the river symbolizes Starfishs freedom as an autonomous being. One appearance is right after Shattered leaves the Buddha and realizes that he needs to be his own teacher. Another is after he has left the town and Kamala after twenty years. He almost drowns himself in this river, but the voice inside of him awakens and he finally is able to hear the mm, the vibration of the universe. While he first walks along the river, after paving the Buddha, he realizes, No longer, I want to begin my thoughts and my life with Atman and with the suffering of the world. o not want to kill and dissect myself any longer, to find a secret behind the ruins. Neither Yoga- Veda shall teach me any more, nor Athwart-Veda, nor the ascetics, nor any kind of teachings. Want to learn from myself, want to be my student, want to get to know myself, the secret of Shattered. He figures out that he cannot go out and search for enlightenment. He realizes that to reach enlightenment, he needs to trust himself. While he was with the Samaras, he tried to kill his soul until he was not himself anymore. He does not want to take direction from others and he wants to be self-sufficient. The river symbolizes this new state of mind because it flows without direction from anyone or anything else. A river does not think about being a river, it does not try to slow down or take another course, it simply runs its natural course without thinking. The river simply is. And this is what Shattered learns that he has to do when he comes across the river for the second time. Just as a river always moves forward, Shattered abandons all past experience to move in his own direction. The river does not ever go back to where it is from; it keeps going forward with no hesitation.No one can stop the river, and to changes its course would force the river to do something it is not supposed to do. Catharsiss effort to morph himself to fit other paths of life sways him from the path of life that he is meant to take, and this effort keeps him from trusting his own judgment without reference to anyone or anything else. The last symbol that relates to the theme is the hut. When Shattered decides that he wants to stay by the river, he happens upon the ferryman, and the ferrymans hut is a symbol for the simple living that is required to reach enlightenment.This ferryman, Vacated, had helped him along the river before, when he was leaving the Buddha and on a search for pleasure. Later, in a very different period of his life, Shattered meets the ferryman and asks if he could have a loincloth and be a trainee. Vacated invited him to live in his simple hut. The hut is one of the humblest forms of living. There is nothing lavish about living in a hut, yet it provides everything that is needed to not only live a simple life, but to live an enlightened life.To be enlightened is when a person trusts only in his own judgment. A person who lives a lavish life does so because they value the judgment of others and pleasure. If there were no other people to make a person self-conscious enough to live in luxury, such as Kamala did to Shattered, then they would live a very modest life. An extravagant life cataracts one from enlightenment because one is constantly enjoying pleasures rather than focusing on the vibrations of the universe and enlightenment.When Shattered forgets about trying to live life the way that others tell him to, and when he forgets all the distractions of Samara, he becomes at peace with himself. The hut communicates that finding enlightenment requires one to live humbly so one is not caught in the cycle of Samara and of trying to live in greed and lust. The hut also symbolizes enlightenment because it does not require much maintenance so one should to be distracted from enlightenment by having to do a lot of work and upkeep of other things in life.